
Is an ancient method of treatment that uses fine, sterilized, stainless-steel needles that are gently inserted into the skin to stimulate acupuncture points. This elicits various responses to encourage the body to heal itself and promote blood circulation.

Scientific research studies have found that the insertion of fine needles into acupuncture points uses the same internal pathways as the parasympathetic nervous system, which puts our body into a state of rest and digest.  These pathways also trigger natural dopamine stimulation that decreases pain responses in the body. 

cupping therapy


Cupping therapy uses small glass or plastic cups on the skin with vacuum suction. The cups may be stationary or moved around (called running cupping). This method helps increase blood circulation and breaks up areas of congestion or stagnation in the body. Cupping can be a very effective form of myofascial release easing deep muscle tension, while activating the lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body. 


Moxibustion is a warming therapy that employs the burning of dried mugwort herbs (moxa) over acupuncture points or on top of needles to introduce warmth into the acupuncture points for increased healing, blood production, and energy. The moxa can also be applied directly to the skin, taken internally or used as soak to ease pain. 



Tui na (pronounced twee-nah) is one of the oldest forms of bodywork. It is one of the four main branches of traditional Chinese medicine. The practitioner might brush, knead, roll, press or pull areas of the body. Techniques might be gentle or firm and aim to open the body’s defensive system and move energy in the channels or meridians.  Tui na is used to treat various musculoskeletal problems and will often be combined with Acupuncture, Qi gong and Cupping. 

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine with it’s roots in the martial arts that uses coordinated body posture, movement, breathing and meditation. The intention is to promote the cultivation of Qi or energy in the body which can help reduce tension patterns,  improve posture and strength over time. Evidence suggests that regular Qi Gong improved physical activity, perceptions of difficulty with breathing, quiets inflammation in the body and improved quality of life.